Setting permissions

How to limit which users access your data

Greg Janota avatar
Written by Greg Janota
Updated over a week ago

For some use cases, you may want to restrict which users can view or act on certain data.

For example:

  • allowing a customer or client to view and update only their information in a customer records database

  • giving a client access to view updates related to their project and hiding those that pertain to other clients

  • allowing a teacher to update the grades for only the students in their class

  • giving a team member access to project tracking only for projects that they are working on

Directions: you can set the permissions of a view from the Permissions section in the settings bar.

Creating views with different permissions

When you need to limit who can see or interact with your data, the best strategy is to create views that source the data from existing views and set their permissions according to their target audience or context.

Limiting users’ access

You can add one or more user conditions to limit the users that have access to a certain view.

Only users who match the conditions you define can access the view and the items displayed in the view. You can categorize users into different groups by adding fields to the Users table.

For example: A designer who wants to share some of their portfolio with clients, may want to create a new view of their porfolio that is accessible and tailored to clients.

Limiting users’ actions

You can define which actions the users who have access to a view can do on the items displayed.

  • View items: users can view the items sourced from the database

  • Create items: users can add new items to the view

  • Edit items: users can update items in the view

  • Delete items: users can delete items from the view

Limiting items

You can add and set one or more item conditions to limit the items displayed in a certain view. Users who have access to a view can view only the items that match the conditions you define.

For example: A designer may not want to share all of their portfolio items with clients. In that case, they can create a field categorizing each item as “Private” or “Public” and only show items that at any time are labeled as “Public” to clients.

Limiting fields

You can limit the fields of the items displayed in a certain view that sources data from another view by removing them from the Fields section in the settings bar.

What’s next?

In Skippet, you can invite other users to collaborate in your workspace or share your data with them.

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